22.3. Buat ronde barebow, peralatan ini yang dibolehin:
– Boleh pake center serving tapi ujung center servingnya gak boleh ada di lurusan mata pemanah pas full draw.
– Boleh dipasang nocking point satu atau dua titik.
– Anak panah tipe apa aja (bahan anak panah bebas).
– Anak panahnya gak boleh bikin kerusakan parah ke bantalan target (misal pake mata panah broadhead)
– Anak panah yang terdiri dari shaft, point, nock, fletching, dan cresting/arrow wrap kalo kepengen.
22.3.10. Asesoris yang dibolehin:
– Arm guard
– Chest guard
– Bow sling
– Quiver pinggang, punggung, atau yang ditaro di tanah.
– Ganjel kaki, mau nempel di sepatu atau terpisah boleh dipake. Asal gak nonjol lebih dari 2cm kedepan/kebelakang dari sol sepatu.
– Limb saver
22.3. For the Barebow Division the following items are permitted:
22.3.1. A bow of any type provided it complies with the common meaning of the word bow as used in target archery, that is, an instrument consisting of a handle (grip), riser (no shoot-through type) and two flexible limbs each ending in a tip with a string nock. The bow is braced for use by a single string attached directly between the two string nocks, and in operation is held in one hand by its handle (grip) while the fingers of the other hand draw and release the string.
The bow as described above shall be bare except for the arrow rest and free from protrusions, sights or sight marks, marks or blemishes or laminated pieces (within the bow window area) which could be of use in aiming. The unbraced bow complete with permitted accessories shall be capable of passing through a hole or ring with a 12.2cm inside diameter +/-0.5mm. Multi-coloured bow risers, and trademarks located on the inside of the upper and lower limb or on the riser are permitted. However if the area within the sight window is coloured in such a way that it could be used for aiming, then it must be taped over. Risers including a brace are permitted provided the brace does not consistently touch the athlete’s hand or wrist.
22.3.2. A bow string of any number of strands. Which may be of different colours and of the material chosen for the purpose. It may have a centre serving to accommodate the drawing fingers, a nocking point to which may be added serving(s) to fit the arrow nock as necessary, and, to locate this point, one or two nock locators may be positioned. At each end of the bowstring there is a loop which is placed in the string nocks of the bow when braced. No lip or nose mark is permitted. The serving on the string shall not end within the athlete’s vision at full draw. The bowstring shall not in any way assist aiming through the use of a peephole, marking, or any other means.
22.3.3. An arrow rest, which can be adjustable. A moveable pressure button, pressure point or arrow plate may all be used on the bow provided they do not offer any additional aid in aiming. The pressure point may not be placed any further back than 2cm (inside) from the throat of the handle (pivot point of the bow).
22.3.4. No draw check device may be used.
22.3.5. Face and string walking are permitted.
22.3.6. No stabilisers are permitted. Torque flight compensators fitted as part of the bow are permitted provided that they do not have stabilisers. Weight(s) may be added to the lower part of the riser. All weights, regardless of shape, shall mount directly to the riser without rods, extensions, angular mounting connections or shock-absorbing devices.
22.3.7. Arrows of any type may be used provided they subscribe to the accepted principle and meaning of the word arrow as used in target archery, and that these arrows do not cause undue damage to the targets.
An arrow consists of a shaft with a tip (point), nocks, fletching and, if desired, cresting. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts shall not exceed 9.3mm (arrow wraps shall not be considered as part of this limitation as long they do not extend further than 22cm toward the point of the arrow when measured from the throat – nock hole where the string sits – of the nock to the end of the wrap); the tips (points) for these arrows may have a maximum diameter of 9.4mm. All arrows of every
athlete shall be marked with the athlete’s name or initials on the shaft. All arrows used throughout the competition shall be identical and shall carry the same pattern and colour(s) of fletching, nocks and cresting, if any. Tracer nocks (electrically/electronically lighted nocks) are not allowed.
22.3.8. Finger protection in the form of finger stalls or tips, gloves, or shooting tab or tape, to draw and release the string is permitted, provided they do not incorporate any device that shall assist the athlete to hold, draw and release the string. A separator between the fingers to prevent pinching the arrow may be used. An anchor plate or similar device attached to the finger protection (tab) for the purpose of anchoring is permitted. The stitching shall be uniform in size and colour. Marks or lines may be added directly to the tab and shall be uniform in size, shape and colour. Additional memoranda is not permitted. On the bow hand an ordinary glove, mitten or similar item may be worn but shall not be attached to the grip of the
22.3.9. Field glasses, telescopes and other visual aids for spotting arrows: Provided they do not represent any obstruction to other athletes. Prescription spectacles, shooting spectacles and sunglasses may be used. None of these may be fitted with micro hole lenses, or similar devices, nor may they be marked in any way that can assist in aiming. Should the athlete need to cover the spectacle glass of the non-sighting eye, then it shall be fully covered or taped, or an eye patch may be used.
22.3.10. Accesories are permitted: Including arm guard, chest protector, bow sling, belt-, back- or ground-quiver. Devices to raise a foot or part thereof, attached or independent of the shoe, are permitted provided that the devices do not present an obstruction to other athletes at the shooting peg or protrude more than 2cm past the footprint of the shoe. Also permitted are limb savers.
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– Dengan berbelanja di toko papatembak, Anda telah berkontribusi terhadap keberlangsungan blog ini. Kalo dagangan saya laku, saya jadi punya banyak waktu buat nulis. Haha…
Azhar A. Suryadiningrat
mantaaaap…ini yg dibutuhkan bagi para barebower kang…haturnuhun pisan
sawangsulna mang. hehe…
Matur nuwun sebelumnya…memang perlu memasyarakatkan barebow dan membarebow kan masyarakat…hi..hi..
Nanya dikit kang, jadi kalau liat aturan berarti gak dipisah pertandingan antara busur riser logam ama busur riser kayu, gitu kah?
Memang perlu utk memasyarakatkan barebow dan membarebow kan masyarakat..hik..hik..
Nanya dikit bang, jadi antara busur riser logam ama riser kayu gak dipisah, gitu ta? Matur nuwun
Betul om, gak peduli bahan dan jenis busur (kecuali compound, gak boleh). Semua disatuin.
Hidup barebow! 😀
Link aturan dari perpani ada gak ya tentang alat ronde nasional. Nyari di google kok gak nemu nemu
Sama saya juga nyari gak nemu2. 😀
Ha ha ha ha
Kalo compound bow dipake barebow boleh ga? Tanpa peepsight & visir. Cuma pake release aid & D-loop doang
Kalo rules WA gak boleh. Dan organisasi lain yang membolehkan compound juga melarang release aid.
Terimakasih kang infonya.salam barebow dari pekanbaru.
Wah, udah dua juta taun belum dijawab. Maap kelewat.
Jawabannya iya disatuin.
Saya ikut barebow karna alasan gk mw ribet sama aksesoris yg lain. Hidup barebow! Harusnya sekalian plunger gk boleh ada, biar real barebow. Hahahahaa..! Hidup barebow!
Ijin…Numpang nanya kang… Boleh pake Torque Flight Compensator (TFC) asal gak mengandung stabilizer.
TFC itu mirip2 damper, fungsinya juga meredam getaran busur. Konstruksinya terdiri dari karet yang dikasih casing metal dan dudukan stabilizer. Tingkat kelenturan dari karet di dalam casing bisa di-adjust dengan cara diputer casingnya supaya karetnya terkompres. Boleh pake pemberat di bagian bawah riser. Pemberat kayak apapun bentuknya harus dipasang langsung di riser tanpa rod, ekstensi, koneksi yang bisa diatur sudutnya, atau peredam getaran.
Pertanyaan: Fungsi TFC itu kan meredam getaran, ada karetnya juga…jadi klo pake damper yang karetnya keliatan boleh ga ya? Makasi
G mana ya mau hubungi bapak. Saya ada di malaysiA, wasap aje 0122373276
Kalau Arrow rest model whisker biscuits boleh dipake bang?
Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you. children compound bow
mantuuul manja makashi
jadi intinya, Barebow ini adalah panahan yg menggunakan busur recurve atau standar tanpa alat2 bantu macem2, itulah pemahaman saya setelah baca tulusan ini, thanks 😁
kalo salah tolong koreksi 😁
Pagi coach..semoga keberkahan dan keselamatan menyertai kita semuanya..
Perihal pemberat..saya pengguna pemberat lbih dr 1, kemarin tgl 19 12 2021 di kebumen internal barebow jawa tengah ada hal yg sepertinya baru, bahwa pemberat tidak boleh lebih dari satu (namun krn baru ada pemberitahuan pas lomba jd sementara boleh di pakai)
Perihal merek di limb atas..itu harus di tutup
Perihal limb dumper atas..itu harus didepan limb atau lepas saja
Apakah kesemuanya itu benar peraturan baru (berdasarkan alasan mereka/panitia &juri) katanya itu dari world archery rules atau sebenarnya bagaimana…
Itu saja coach kegalauan saya semoga tercerahkan. WA 0895365026575
untuk peraturan baru 2022, pemberat boleh jumlahnya berapapun, mau ditaro di bagian atas atau bawah busur. dan merk limbs tidak perlu ditutup. yang perlu ditutup itu kalo ada corak di bagian windownya riser.
peraturan world archery yang baru barebow juga boleh pake peredam/dumper mau di limbs ataupun di riser.